Reward-based Tier System for Viewers

Our Viewer Reward System is designed to actively engage and reward our audience. Utilizing a tiered structure, this system escalates the benefits for viewers based on their level of interaction and investment in the platform, from casual viewing to dedicated support.

  1. Explorer Tier:

    • Basic Access with Reward Caps: Users enjoy free access to a wide range of content with the ability to earn rewards for up to 2 hours of daily video watching. This tier is ideal for new users who are exploring the platform.

    • Continued Access Post-Cap: After reaching the daily cap, viewers can continue enjoying content without earning rewards, ensuring uninterrupted access.

  2. Enthusiast Tier:

    • Enhanced Rewards for $TUBE Holders: Holding a certain amount of native tokens grants users extended reward-earning potential.

    • Holder Incentives: This tier is designed to encourage users to hold onto $TUBE, contributing to a robust token economy and elevating their viewing experience.

  3. Elite Tier:

    • Unlimited Access and Earnings: By acquiring exclusive NFTs, users unlock unlimited earning potential with no daily cap on rewards. This tier caters to our most dedicated viewers, offering them unrestricted access to all platform features.

    • Access to Exclusive Content: Premium tier members enjoy special content with enhanced features, such as higher video resolution and early access to new releases.

  4. Guardian Tier:

    • The Ultimate Viewing Experience: Combining the benefits of Base.Tube Tokens holding and NFT ownership, this tier offers an ad-free experience and includes all the perks of the Premium and Base tiers.

    • Community-Centric Benefits: Tailored for those who seek the pinnacle of individual experience, the Guardian Tier embodies a shared premium experience. This tier represents a commitment to not just personal enjoyment but also to fostering a sense of community and shared enjoyment within the platform.

Conclusion: This tiered system not only serves to reward our viewers but also plays a crucial role in sustaining a vibrant and engaged community. It encourages viewers to delve deeper into the platform, transitioning from casual viewers to committed community members, and contributes to a thriving, dynamic ecosystem.

Last updated